HSU最杰出的学术成就之一, our 朱利叶斯·奥尔森荣誉项目 provides enriching educational and co-curricular opportunities to some of our most motivated and exceptional students. Honors students are 挑战d to find connections and integration between academic disciplines, 尤其是要学会把信仰和智慧结合起来. 我们相信我们对知识的追求应该成为对精神的追求, 我们的精神追求应该变成智力追求.
Our Honors program offers students the chance to eng年龄 in deeper discussions about the world around them. HSU荣誉学生将面临关于我们如何思考的难题, 我们如何相信, 以及我们应该如何在一个复杂的世界中生活, 耶稣的知性追随者. 我们将所有专业的学生聚集在一起解决问题, scholarly work and group activities designed to enhance this unique learning experience.
哈佛大学的荣誉生活还包括野餐等社交活动, 派对和内部团队, 为校园和社区服务的机会, 每年都有旅行的机会, 无论是在国际上还是在美国国内.S. 我们的荣誉之旅包括纽约、新奥尔良、希腊、西班牙和意大利.
Up to five members of the fall 朱利叶斯·奥尔森荣誉项目 class will be chosen as 利兰中文博彩平台. Determination of eligibility for the 利兰中文博彩平台hips will be made by the director of the Honors Program 在那一年的优秀班被选中之后. Recommendations for 奖 at all levels will be made to the associate vice president for enrollment services by the honors director in consultation with the Honors Council.
利兰中文博彩平台将获得奖学金 全额奖学金. 和所有荣誉奖学金一样, 利兰奖学金只支付学费, 并且不能获得超过学费的奖励.
Many HSU faculty members are drawn to teaching in the Honors Program because it allows them to work closely with bright, 好奇的学生, while also getting the chance to develop a challenging course that fits their area of interest while expanding beyond the confines of their typical classes.