促进获取信息,使消费者能够对高等教育做出明智的决定, 中文博彩平台开发了这个网页,在一个地方提供这些披露. 点击下面的链接获取每个主题的信息. For additional questions, please contact the appropriate office.
* Indicates this data is included in HSU’s 联邦合规 和 Student Consumer Notification, emailed to each enrolled student 和 current HSU 教师/工作人员 each fall/spring semester. 可在本网页末尾获得该文件的副本.
你知道中文博彩平台超过97%的学生获得某种形式的经济援助吗? 访问我们的 经济资助网页 page to learn more about important dates, types of available aid, 和 more. 申请援助很重要 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA)或 德克萨斯州财政援助申请 (TASFA),适用于不能申请联邦财政援助的德州居民学生.
*出国留学中文博彩平台的国际研究项目旨在为学生提供国际学术项目的机会,以促进对全球社区的理解. There are many instances in which financial aid is applicable to 和 education abroad. 在计划出国留学时,最好向财务援助顾问咨询更多信息.
Notice of Federal Student Financial 援助 Penalties for Drug Law Violations -从2021-2022奖励年度开始, having a drug conviction will no longer impact a student’s federal financial aid eligibility. 然而, students who are awarded State aid are still required to certify annually, 在支付资金之前, that they have not been convicted of a felony or crime involving a controlled substance.
联邦直接贷款的学生借款人,毕业或低于一半的注册必须完成这个在线咨询. 该课程帮助借款人了解他们的权利, 还款责任, 以及还款计划的选择. This includes students with Direct Loans, Grad PLUS loans, 和 Federal Consolidated loans
其他出勤费用组成部分 比如照顾家属的费用, 残疾相关费用, 留学费用, 合作教育费用, 在线/函授学习, 监禁或监禁的学生, 不到半场时间, or those living in in military housing may be adjusted as appropriate.
If you believe you have a special circumstance that may increase your cost of attendance, 你可提交 出勤费用调整申诉.
净价计算器 - HSU净价格计算器旨在帮助您估计2023-24年的经济援助选项. 只需3-5分钟即可完成. 如果您还没有提交2023-24年的FAFSA, you will need to reference financial information found on your family’s 2021 income tax forms.
付款计划计算器 – The HSU 付款计划计算器 helps you determine a payment plan to fit you budget. Actual amounts may vary due to processing 和/or origination fees.
安全报告 (Including Emergency Response 和 Evacuation Procedures) Timely Warnings, 和犯罪记录-用于HSU的紧急通知, 学生将需要在HSU Central建立一个帐户,并确保他们的电话号码正确. It is also helpful if students downloaded the HSU Central application. 有关紧急通知的更多信息,学生可以通过(325)670-1862或电子邮件联系大学营销 marketing@526623.com.
消防安全报告和消防日志 -所有在校生, 学校的员工, 未来的学生, 和未来的员工有权要求中文博彩平台年度消防安全和安保报告的副本. 今年的报告可以在HSU的网站上找到 校园安全. 打印副本也可通过电子邮件发送至 hsupolice@526623.com or in person from the HSU Police Department 和 by calling 325-670-1461.
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy 和 Campus Crime Statistics Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f), 经修订的(“克莱利法案”)是一项联邦法律,要求所有根据1965年《中国赌博平台》第四章授权的项目接受联邦财政援助的高等教育机构及时披露有关校园犯罪和安全政策的某些年度信息.
L-8) 首选贷款机构名单 – Hardin-Simmons University does not 使用 a preferred lender list, but has elected to provide students a loan resource page via ELM 资源, 软件供应商 ELMSelect.
L-9) 优先贷款人安排 -中文博彩平台不使用首选贷款机构名单,也没有与教育贷款机构的任何安排. 学生被引导到一个贷款资源页面通过 ELMSelect. Elm Select is an independent platform that is not affiliated with the school or partner. 没有特定的贷款人或贷款被背书.
10. 第九条
第九条信息 -在任何教育或就业计划和活动中,HSU不会基于性别或性别进行歧视, 和 it does not tolerate discrimination or harassment on the basis of 性 or gender.